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What distinguishes the QR Post from a geolocation system?Geolocation systems work when they are charged and have access to the network. When the luggage is lost, the owner can locate his luggage but that's it. he must then find the person who can bring him back his luggage (if it is in an area not accessible to the public). The geolocation system is only a technological solution. With QR post, there is a person who finds the lost luggage and sends a message to the owner to return his suitcase. QR Post is built on technology AND a community (travellers, airport or airline personnel, law enforcement). This is the first difference, and the second major difference is the monetary aspect: unlike geolocation systems, QR Post products start at 2.50 $
What languages does QR Post support?When a user scans a QR Post, the language of the phone is analyzed by the application. If the latter is not French, the default language will be English. In addition, we are currently working on translating the interface into Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian. Our long-term goal is to expand the languages supported by QR Post to grow our community.
Is there a charge to activate or scan a QR Post?No, it's absolutely free!
Is there an expiration date on my QR Post product?As long as the QR code is not damaged, it remains functional.
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